Monday, May 12, 2014

15 Tips to keep your house interiors beautiful

When you visit some house you will get surprised at the neat and clean
arranged interior. When we consider the beauty of a house it is not
the square feet and the size that matters most but the interior
decorations given to the whole house. Here are some simple tips to
make your sweet home attractive and beautiful.
1. If the living room is small use a corner TV stand.
2. Never leave old news papers and magazines on the teapoy. Keep it
arranged with the current days news paper and magazine. A small flower
vase will make teapoy attractive
3. A side table with drawers is perfect on each side of the bed. It
can be used not only to place the bed lamp but the medicines, creams
etc. Watch, simple ornaments, magazines, books to read etc can be kept
in the other side table.
4. Don’t keep the old unfitting and out dated dress that you have not
used for 2 or more year in your wardrobe.
5. If it is a big bedroom you can use the corner of the bedroom as a
working space by arranging a table and chair.
6. If the bedroom is not spacious enough for a dressing table you can
make one of the wardrobe doors in to a mirror. And a small table top
and drawer at the bottom will make it a good dressing table where you
can keep cosmetics and other decorating stuff.
7. Avoid using big laundry bin, instead of it buy a laundry bag and
hang it at the back of your door to make your room spacious.
8.  Take heed to make a cupboard in your office room to keep books.
9. Make sure to build cupboard with shelf spacious enough to keep
vacuum cleaner and other cleaning utensils.
10. If your kitchen is small a pantry table with drawers can be used.
11. A three tire shelf will help to save space in your kitchen.
12. A bottle rack to keep lotions, detergent etc will help to keep
kitchen neat and tidy.
13. A towel stand should be built near the kitchen sink away from the
range of splattering water.
14. The things that u don’t use frequently in the kitchen can be kept
away in kitchen cabinet instead of placing it around cooking area.
15. In case of crockery items keep the light weight things in the top
shelf and the hard and  heavy utensils in the bottom shelf; this will
help you to handle these things conveniently

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Fever in Children- Care and Precautions

Fever that often occurs to our kids can not be considered as a silly
thing. You should be vigilant to find out the kind of fever that child
has been affected with.37⁰C (98.6⁰ F) is the usual body temperature. A
slight change of a half degree is not a major issue. If it is 99⁰ F
then it is a fever condition, if it is 104⁰ then it is a high degree
fever and you must consult a doctor immediately. The intensity of the
fever may not be related to the seriousness of the disease. A high
fever can be a viral fever and a small avoidable one will lead to
serious disease conditions also.
The high fever leads to lot of serious health condition. Body will
face low sodium and water level; soon the fever will be followed by
fits and tiredness. In children fever comes as a result of infections.
Cold, bronchitis etc will also lead to fever. Virus and bacterial
infection can also cause fever. If the fever is caused by bacterial
infection it should be handled seriously. Fever caused by bacteria can
lead to meningitis, septicaemia, pneumonia etc. If it is a bacterial
fever the kids will lie down tired and exhausted. A simple blood test
can tell the cause for the fever. And analysing some common symptoms
can also help you to find out the reason.
1. Viral fever
High fever. Each day it will be decreased. When the medicine is given
the fever will go for a while but will strike back again severely.
2. Bacterial Fever.
A mild fever. Each day fever will increase gradually.
3. Malaria.
Fever will come sporadically and one day when the kid will be stricken
by high fever then malaria will be at its heights.
4. Typhoid.
Just like a step ladder, will increase gradually and finally to a high
temperature fever.

     For a common cold you can give paracetamol syrup to the kid. It
can be given at regular intervals of 4 hours. Make sure that child
takes enough rest. Using a wet clothe wipe the body to maintain
temperature. Consult a doctor if the fever persists even after one
day. Dose of the paracetamol is very important, it must be determined
based on the body weight and age. A high dose may lead to jaundice.
Keep this paracetamol syrup handy since it can come to use in case of
midnight emergency of high fever. Don’t give aspirin to child. If
the child is healthy and active enough to play around just gave a bath
to the child. Never let the kid play in water. Just finish bathing as
immediately as possible. And if the kid is tired of fever it is
advisable not to give a bath to the child but wipe the body. Let the
child to sleep in a room with enough air circulation and put off
clothes. It is good to give rice boiled water to the child. And keep
one very important thing in your mind that never give antibiotic visit
to the child prescribed by doctor in a previous. It will do only more
harm than good to your little ones body and health.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Fatty liver-Its symptoms, prevention and cure

It is quiet common to get a fatty liver report when you go for aregular health check up. Fatty liver is  a common disease amongyoungsters and aged people. If diabetics and hypertension are the kindof life style diseases affecting our body, then we can say fatty liveris a life style disease that affects liver. It can be seenirrespective of gender but quiet common among males.CauseSometimes fatty liver occurs as an after effect of metabolic syndrome.Hypertension, obesity, cholesterol, diabetics due to insulinresistance etc are the sub divisions of metabolic syndrome. Anotherimportant reason for fatty liver is the drinking habit. Around 90% ofthe people with regular alcohol consumption habit have to face fattyliver problem. In this 90% around 20% will have to face hepatitis, oneof the serious liver diseases.Lack of nutritious food, regular use of steroids, long term stomachdisease, AIDS, Hepatitis C, Viral disease etc can also lead to fattyliver. The sudden dieting to reduce body wait can also lead to thissituation. The patience with problem of insulin resistance faces the problem ofextra fat deposit in certain cells of the liver and there by leadingto a fatty liver. This will result in swellings around the liver andsurrounding areas and to serious liver cirrhosis.SymptomsAccording to the symptoms fatty liver is of two types. The simple oneis with little bit of fat deposit in liver and with out muchcomplicated situation of pain which is commonly known as non alcoholicfatty liver. Where as condition with considerable fat deposit in liveralong with the swellings and resulting serious painful condition iscalled Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH).Usually fatty liver never give much symptoms to the person. It may beaccidentally found during a usual health check up. But in some peopleit gives strong symptoms of pain to the right side of the stomach andtiredness etc.Detection A blood test with high (liver functioning test) LS T, A S T enzymesshows fatty liver. Ultra sound scanning will help you to get a betterpicture of the disease since it can help you to know the size of theliver and status of the disease. A biopsy can detect extend to whichliver cells are damaged.Prevention and CureTo keep the disease under control the most important step is toredefine your life style. Some medicine will help you to some extend.UDCA (Ursodeoxycholic acid), Metformin insulin, Sensitise etc are thecommon medicines used. Above all these medicines to follow a strictschedule to do the exercise like jogging, swimming cycling, walkingetc is relevant. Exercise reduces the body weight and increases theproduction of insulin reducing the chances of diabetics. Avoiddrinking alcohol completely and you can see the difference in 6 week.Reduce oily and fatty food and include fruits and vegetablesespecially leafy veggies. Those who have cholesterol and diabeticstake heed to keep it under control.

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