Monday, May 12, 2014

15 Tips to keep your house interiors beautiful

When you visit some house you will get surprised at the neat and clean
arranged interior. When we consider the beauty of a house it is not
the square feet and the size that matters most but the interior
decorations given to the whole house. Here are some simple tips to
make your sweet home attractive and beautiful.
1. If the living room is small use a corner TV stand.
2. Never leave old news papers and magazines on the teapoy. Keep it
arranged with the current days news paper and magazine. A small flower
vase will make teapoy attractive
3. A side table with drawers is perfect on each side of the bed. It
can be used not only to place the bed lamp but the medicines, creams
etc. Watch, simple ornaments, magazines, books to read etc can be kept
in the other side table.
4. Don’t keep the old unfitting and out dated dress that you have not
used for 2 or more year in your wardrobe.
5. If it is a big bedroom you can use the corner of the bedroom as a
working space by arranging a table and chair.
6. If the bedroom is not spacious enough for a dressing table you can
make one of the wardrobe doors in to a mirror. And a small table top
and drawer at the bottom will make it a good dressing table where you
can keep cosmetics and other decorating stuff.
7. Avoid using big laundry bin, instead of it buy a laundry bag and
hang it at the back of your door to make your room spacious.
8.  Take heed to make a cupboard in your office room to keep books.
9. Make sure to build cupboard with shelf spacious enough to keep
vacuum cleaner and other cleaning utensils.
10. If your kitchen is small a pantry table with drawers can be used.
11. A three tire shelf will help to save space in your kitchen.
12. A bottle rack to keep lotions, detergent etc will help to keep
kitchen neat and tidy.
13. A towel stand should be built near the kitchen sink away from the
range of splattering water.
14. The things that u don’t use frequently in the kitchen can be kept
away in kitchen cabinet instead of placing it around cooking area.
15. In case of crockery items keep the light weight things in the top
shelf and the hard and  heavy utensils in the bottom shelf; this will
help you to handle these things conveniently

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Fever in Children- Care and Precautions

Fever that often occurs to our kids can not be considered as a silly
thing. You should be vigilant to find out the kind of fever that child
has been affected with.37⁰C (98.6⁰ F) is the usual body temperature. A
slight change of a half degree is not a major issue. If it is 99⁰ F
then it is a fever condition, if it is 104⁰ then it is a high degree
fever and you must consult a doctor immediately. The intensity of the
fever may not be related to the seriousness of the disease. A high
fever can be a viral fever and a small avoidable one will lead to
serious disease conditions also.
The high fever leads to lot of serious health condition. Body will
face low sodium and water level; soon the fever will be followed by
fits and tiredness. In children fever comes as a result of infections.
Cold, bronchitis etc will also lead to fever. Virus and bacterial
infection can also cause fever. If the fever is caused by bacterial
infection it should be handled seriously. Fever caused by bacteria can
lead to meningitis, septicaemia, pneumonia etc. If it is a bacterial
fever the kids will lie down tired and exhausted. A simple blood test
can tell the cause for the fever. And analysing some common symptoms
can also help you to find out the reason.
1. Viral fever
High fever. Each day it will be decreased. When the medicine is given
the fever will go for a while but will strike back again severely.
2. Bacterial Fever.
A mild fever. Each day fever will increase gradually.
3. Malaria.
Fever will come sporadically and one day when the kid will be stricken
by high fever then malaria will be at its heights.
4. Typhoid.
Just like a step ladder, will increase gradually and finally to a high
temperature fever.

     For a common cold you can give paracetamol syrup to the kid. It
can be given at regular intervals of 4 hours. Make sure that child
takes enough rest. Using a wet clothe wipe the body to maintain
temperature. Consult a doctor if the fever persists even after one
day. Dose of the paracetamol is very important, it must be determined
based on the body weight and age. A high dose may lead to jaundice.
Keep this paracetamol syrup handy since it can come to use in case of
midnight emergency of high fever. Don’t give aspirin to child. If
the child is healthy and active enough to play around just gave a bath
to the child. Never let the kid play in water. Just finish bathing as
immediately as possible. And if the kid is tired of fever it is
advisable not to give a bath to the child but wipe the body. Let the
child to sleep in a room with enough air circulation and put off
clothes. It is good to give rice boiled water to the child. And keep
one very important thing in your mind that never give antibiotic visit
to the child prescribed by doctor in a previous. It will do only more
harm than good to your little ones body and health.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Fatty liver-Its symptoms, prevention and cure

It is quiet common to get a fatty liver report when you go for aregular health check up. Fatty liver is  a common disease amongyoungsters and aged people. If diabetics and hypertension are the kindof life style diseases affecting our body, then we can say fatty liveris a life style disease that affects liver. It can be seenirrespective of gender but quiet common among males.CauseSometimes fatty liver occurs as an after effect of metabolic syndrome.Hypertension, obesity, cholesterol, diabetics due to insulinresistance etc are the sub divisions of metabolic syndrome. Anotherimportant reason for fatty liver is the drinking habit. Around 90% ofthe people with regular alcohol consumption habit have to face fattyliver problem. In this 90% around 20% will have to face hepatitis, oneof the serious liver diseases.Lack of nutritious food, regular use of steroids, long term stomachdisease, AIDS, Hepatitis C, Viral disease etc can also lead to fattyliver. The sudden dieting to reduce body wait can also lead to thissituation. The patience with problem of insulin resistance faces the problem ofextra fat deposit in certain cells of the liver and there by leadingto a fatty liver. This will result in swellings around the liver andsurrounding areas and to serious liver cirrhosis.SymptomsAccording to the symptoms fatty liver is of two types. The simple oneis with little bit of fat deposit in liver and with out muchcomplicated situation of pain which is commonly known as non alcoholicfatty liver. Where as condition with considerable fat deposit in liveralong with the swellings and resulting serious painful condition iscalled Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH).Usually fatty liver never give much symptoms to the person. It may beaccidentally found during a usual health check up. But in some peopleit gives strong symptoms of pain to the right side of the stomach andtiredness etc.Detection A blood test with high (liver functioning test) LS T, A S T enzymesshows fatty liver. Ultra sound scanning will help you to get a betterpicture of the disease since it can help you to know the size of theliver and status of the disease. A biopsy can detect extend to whichliver cells are damaged.Prevention and CureTo keep the disease under control the most important step is toredefine your life style. Some medicine will help you to some extend.UDCA (Ursodeoxycholic acid), Metformin insulin, Sensitise etc are thecommon medicines used. Above all these medicines to follow a strictschedule to do the exercise like jogging, swimming cycling, walkingetc is relevant. Exercise reduces the body weight and increases theproduction of insulin reducing the chances of diabetics. Avoiddrinking alcohol completely and you can see the difference in 6 week.Reduce oily and fatty food and include fruits and vegetablesespecially leafy veggies. Those who have cholesterol and diabeticstake heed to keep it under control.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Lipstick can cause mental disorders

Lipstick is an unavoidable part of make up. A beautiful lip will make women sexy. But wait before giving a stroke with lip stick. Ask yourself for a second what you need momentary beauty or life long health? Recent studies give shocking news of lipsticks using metals like Cadmium, Aluminium, Chromium, Led and Manganese along with harmful chemicals. More than 30 branded lipsticks were subjected to study and found these facts. Using lipsticks regularly will result in the intake of these harmful chemicals and which can cause infertility. It can also affect active sex life. The Led content in lipstick will reach the foetus and can cause mental disorders and various Neuro problems to the child. These harmful chemicals reach the body of the child through placenta. Since it is absorbed directly by the brain it affects the nervous system very quickly. The Led will lead to speech disorders and also behavioral disorders in children. Since human body can not wash out Led through normal digestive or metabolic process it will remain in our body till our last breath like dangerous poison causing different anomalies. Constant use of lipstick will also decrease the natural glow and beauty of your lips. Some lipstick gives dark sports on your lips which starts as small dotes and later spread over the lips. If you want to make your lips beautiful in natural way just go for beet or beetroot. During the world war when women faced a scarcity for lipstick they started using beetroot. Just take a little bit of juicy beet and apply on your lips and go beautiful. You can use olive oil for natural glow. Applying beet on cheeks lightly will give you natural reddish cheeks without heavy make up.  

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Some tips to concentrate in your studies

First of all you must love what you do. The important thing is to develop a love and interest towards the subject that you study.  You must love to read and learn new things .And also to register or feed the necessary facts in your head. Here are some tips that will help you to nail exams .
1. Schedule your time:-You must have a scheduled routine life. Always you must set aside a particular time to study. Regular and systematic way of learning will increase your imbibing capacity and interest towards subject. Make the study room or area interesting and comfortable. Even if you don’t have a specific area make sure that place you choose to sit and study must give you positive energy and enthusiasm.
2.Making notes:- Making a personal note while reading the subject is relevant. You can make notes using code words. To remember difficult equations create funny code word. When you make notes keep relating things. Usually subjects will have topics as a continuum of previous topic which can be related easily while making personal notes. These notes will help you later to make a quick scan and revision.
3.Enough sleep:- Take heed to sleep 6-8 hours daily. It is necessary since proper sleep gives rest to our brain and capacity of brain will increase as it is refreshed after proper sleep. Even if you feel tired after enough sleep try to deviate your mind to some interesting activity and get back to your study.
4.Regular Exercise:- Go for regular exercise. It will make mind and body energetic. Toxins will be washed out from the body and you will feel robust and active to sit and study. Enjoy little bit of sports of your favourite kind and play for a specific time also. You can also do art or creative work to boost up your mind.
Drink lot of water and eat Nutritious food:- Drinking lot of water and keeping your self energetic is important. Water to our body is important to keep ourself awake. Similarly eating good nutritious food that will support activities of brain is important. Avoid snacks and eat fruits during the small breaks to relax.
5. Good Family Atmosphere:- Along with developing a good attitude towards studying and learning things a good  family atmosphere is relevant. Parents have a big role here. The personal and family issues must be sorted out in a peaceful way without affecting the child.
6. Meditation and Yoga: - It is good to practice simple yoga and meditation. This will help to concentrate and focus in study.
7.  Limit Entertainments: - Always follow a parental control over children without affecting his/her personal freedom. Children may get deviated widely by internet and other visual Medias. Limit exposure to the things that is not necessary for a student. A student by her/himself must practice a self control.
8. Priority:- Giving priority to things in our life is important. Always make sure that the top most priority is given to studies and aims in your life. It is good to set a goal to focus in your studies. Dream your future and strive for it and consider studying as a catalyst which will help you to fulfill your dreams.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Tips to Reduce Aging process of your skin

Aging is a natural process. We can not stop it using any medicine but we can decrease the effect of aging in our body and face if we follow some simple steps. Aging mainly affects our face and these  will tell others about our age. So to protect our skin is very important. What we eat? what we think ? and What we do ? all these affects our skin and aging process.Some simple tips to avoid this are
1.Include nutritious food in our diet:- All the skin creams that we use now have Vitamin C or Vitamin E in it. These vitamins should be given to the body also. For this we can eat fruits and vegetables which contains this vitamins. Selenium is an important mineral which is essential for the health of our skin. Sunflower seed, Fish , Oats etc contains this selenium.
2. Exercise:- Regular exercise will increase the blood circulation and thereby increase the production of collagen. Collagen can reduce the aging effect in our skin to a great extend by avoiding freckles and lines , marks etc. Exercise have an amazing capacity to wash out toxins from our body.
3. Enough sleep:- Make sure that you sleep around 7-8 hours. Lack of sleep will give dark circles around your eyes . Puffy eyes and dry skin and life less eyes all will result from lack of sleep. When you sleep lie down on the bed in straight  and face up position. Never stick your head in between pillows which will give you age marks earlier than you expect
4.Avoid Sunlight: - From morning 10 am to 2 pm the sunlight is very dangerous. It can even cause cancer. So it is very important to avoid exposure to sunlight. Use sunscreen lotions to avoid dark patch  in your skin
5.Avoid Drinking alcohol and Smoking :- Drinking alcohol and smoking is as harmful as if you are exposed to sever sunlight.  Drinking alcohol will reduce the amount of water in our body and thus make skin dry and moisture less.  It will affect the veins and dilate veins. Smoking will decrease the amount of collagen in your body and also will decrease the blood circulation to face and body. Decrease in collagen will increased  wrinkles in your face.
6.Reduce coffee and Tea :- Avoid drinking too much of coffee and tea. Tea and coffee will reduce the water content in our body. So reduce drinking lot of coffee and tea. And also coffee will give you an unattractive yellow teeth.
7.Keep your skin clean:- It is very important to keep your body clean and healthy. Remove make up before you go to bed and use moisturizer all over your body.
8.Seasonal Care:- During the winter and summer time give utmost care to your skin. Keep the face clean and eat healthy food befitting the climate. In summer time it is good to eat fruits having lot of water content like watermelon.
9.Melasma:-Its quiet common that women who eat anti pregnancy pills have melasma ;a dark patch on the face. when they stop taking pills or after the delivery these dark patches were supposed to vanish. If it persist they must consult a doctor.Avoiding the occurrence of melasma is vital to keep your skin young. 
10. Drink Lot of Water:- Drinking minimum 8-10 glass water a day will  keep your skin young and healthy. Water  can purify your body and can give you glowing skin. Drinking lot of water is very important since it can provide freckle and wrinkle  free skin.  

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

How to stop Smoking

Step1:-Everyone knows that smoking is not good for our health. We know this when we start smoking, we know this when we light each cigarette. But our mind and body never accept this fact so strongly and which will not help in stop smoking. So first of all when you decide to stop this bad habit the very basic thing that you have to do is to convince your mind and body with a strong reason why you stop smoking. Understand and realise the fact that smoking will kill your body and soul. It will give you lung cancer and even blindness. Imagine a situation when you have to depend on another person to pass urine. A room filled with smell of medicine and a night that give you pain and sorrow.
Step2:- Never stop smoking suddenly one day , it is not pragmatic and it will not help. You can stop smoking gradually. Reduce the number of cigarette that you smoke. Each day you can reduce the number one by one. The amount of nicotine in ones brain is related to the addiction. So our brain will not cooperate with stopping this suddenly.
Step3:- Nicotine replacement therapy is effective. Usually when you stop smoking even through a gradual process you may feel depression, bad temper, restlessness etc. This situation can be reduced by replacing cigarette with chewing gum which contains low percentage of nicotine. It is not good to take this chewing gum while you follow smoking. It will increase the amount of nicotine in your body. It is effective only as a replacement to cigarette.
Step4:- Consult a doctor and get necessary help. Nowadays medicines are available to resist the problems created by nicotine addict brain. Depression, restlessness, mood change, irritations all can be solved by popping up couple of pills.
Step5:- It is very important to seek the support and help of your friends and family members. Tell them about your decision. You can go for a counselling and behavioral therapy. Always take heed to avoid loneliness and to engage in some interesting activity.
Step6:- Why people smoke? It is mainly because nicotine has a capacity to reduce stress and tension. So when you stop smoking you have to find a substitute method to reduce your tension and stress. You can follow a 15 minute meditation or daily morning yoga to keep yourself relaxed and happy. You can even go for little bit of music therapy. Simply listen to a soothing and enchanting music when your mind is stressed.
Step7:- If you have the habit of smoking after a couple of drinks, it is better to avoid drinking till you can stop smoking habit completely. Divert your mind to some other drinks like tea or coffee. Some people have the routine way of smoking after meals. Here also you have to replace that habit by brushing your teeth or by having a chewing gum.
Step8:- Clean your house. Throw the ash tray away. Clean your rooms and couch and everything. You can use perfumes to clear out the smell of tobacco. This is very important since the very smell of tobacco or an ash tray can give you strong desire to light a cigarette.
Step9:- Go for a walk with your dear ones or do it as an exercise. Walking can reduce addiction towards nicotine. When you feel like smoking you can go for a walk with your dog or do a little bit of gardening and try to divert your mind from the intention to smoke.
Step 10:- Save the money that you used to buy cigarette. You have to keep that money separately in a piggy bank. The increasing savings can help you to analyse the positive step you had taken. This can give more support and happiness to your mind to continue with the stop smoking project.
Step 11:- Eat fruits and vegetables. Including low calorie milk products in diet can reduce the nicotine addiction of your brain. Drinking lot of water is also important.
 Step 12:- Feel the difference that happening to your body and soul. Enjoy the easiness of your lungs and the fresh air running through your respiratory organs. Enjoy a mind free from tensions of lung cancer. Understand the difference, this will help you a lot in proceeding with stop smoking agenda.

Monday, December 30, 2013

Some foods which will help to reduce your tummy fat

Even if it is not a six pack or eight pack body with attractive muscles but at least to have a flat stomach with fit body is a dream of everyone. But when we see those junk food we forget our dream and all the perfect figure concept. Eat drink and be merry will be the slogan till we finish the food. And then what? The growing beer belly will put you in tension and you will start the hard work for a flat stomach. This is the pattern that all most all of us are facing. So the food habit definitely has a big role to reduce our waist. Here we are going to discuss 10 food items which will help you to fulfil your dream of flat stomach.
1.Almond:- Almond is used to consider widely in Asian countries as a food item in the menu of wealthy people. Now the globalisation has changed the scenario and it is widely available. Almond is a rich source of protein, fibres and Vitamin-E. It consist of magnesium which can control the glucose level in our blood and provide energy. If the glucose level is maintained then the intension to eat  unnecessarily  can be tackled. It is good to eat 30 gm almond or around 23 almond nuts daily.
2.Egg:- An egg is a rich source of all the minerals and vitamins necessary for the proper working of our muscles and brain. It consists of Zinc, Amino acid, protein etc. Eating egg which contains low carbohydrates can keep  in control our hunger than the breakfast rich in carbohydrates. It is good to avoid egg if you have high cholesterol. An egg consist of  213mg of cholesterol.
3.Apple:- An apple a day and keeps doctor away is a famous saying which shows the value of apple in our diet. Apple consists of 85% water. Eating apple will reduce your hunger. It is advisable to eat 3 apples per day. Apple can help to tackle weight gaining. Quercetin in apple is proved to resist cancer. Apple can also control cholesterol and maintain healthy lungs.
4.Yogurt:- Calcium is found in abundance in yogurt. The probiotic bacteria in yogurt can resolve constipation, gas trouble and indigestion problems and thus can reduce a tight stomach. It is good to take at least a cup of fat removed yogurt.
5.Fish:- Eat fish three times a week; it is rich in acids, omega-3 fatty acids, which proved its vital role in protecting the heart and blood vessels, especially salmon, tuna, mackerel etc. Including these fish in daily diet will help in metabolic activity and in burning unnecessary fat. The insulin glucose rate is optimum in those who follow a healthy diet including these fishes and it also support the digestive process properly and reduce cravings for food.
6.Corn:-Include corn flour in your diet. It is good to avoid breakfast with wheat and rice, which will increase body weight and has high carbohydrates. Corn flour contains minerals, proteins and Vitamin B etc. which is appropriate for a flat stomach since it gives satiety by taking a small amount of it.
7.Vegetables:- Leafy vegetables are important when we consider a diet to reduce beer belly. Spinach, broccoli, cauliflower are sources of carotenoids and fibres which will manage the digestive process effectively. These leafy vegetables can reduce cancerous growths also.
8.Straw Berry and Mulberry:- Berries can play an important role in maintaining a healthy body since it quench the appetite and at the same time gives less fat to the body. It has fibres which can assist the digestive process.
9.Pulses:- Lentils and pulses consist of antioxidants and proteins. Eating greenpeas,peas,grams will help to maintain the body weight.
10.Vegetable Soup:- A soup prepared by taking vegetables like carrot, tomato, ladies finger, beans cooked and boiled along with little bit of pepper and chilli and salt for taste will make a perfect food to subside appetite and reduce a heavy meal and thereby weight gaining. 

Sunday, December 29, 2013

How to manage target tension

1.Do not start your career without understanding the nature of your
job. When a particular firm offer you a job with high salary remember
that they in turn expect a valuable performance from you.
2.Always keep a positive attitude. Understand the importance of
target. It will be difficult to work with out a target. It will be
like shooting without an aim. So realise the fact that target is very
important to work with a goal. When you get a target don’t think that
it is difficult to achieve, if you think so you may not be able to
achieve even the target that is a cake walk for you. Never be
negative, be confident. A calm and quiet pragmatic person can achieve
any big target than a tensed and stressful person.
3.When you do jobs having target pressure it is very important to
relax and to maintain positive energy. Doing regular exercise or work
out in gym will help to develop a positive mind filled with energy. If
the body is weak and tired mind will easily  switch to a negative
mode, eating nutritious food will provide necessary vitamins and
minerals to body.  Yoga can play a vital role in developing an
enthusiastic mind.
4. Happy life or little happy moments in life will increase the output
of each employee. It can be a visit to favourite place  or a new movie
or a dinner with your dear ones.  Try to find some time for all the
favourite things in our life.
5.It is very important to maintain or control the day to day expense.
Don’t think  that you can  buy anything with a credit card .To those
who having a target tension it is better to avoid financial
6. It is very important to maintain a good family atmosphere. Support
from family members or partners is very important to overcome the
target tension. Tell your partner about the nature of your wok .If you
try to manage your job and life by doing some adjustments in the
beginning  you will find it difficult to maintain later.
7. Procrastination is a weakness of your mind. If you postpone your
work then by the end of month work load will be double and you may
find it difficult to finish. Everything needs a proper planning; even
if you are planning your dream. It will be good if you could keep your
diary up to date by writing the things that you have done each day.
Analysing it later will tell you how much lazy or hard working you
8. Fear of meeting deadline is quiet common in those having target
tension. Daily booze party and resulting hangover problems can mess up
your efforts. It is important to keep all your habits like smoking and
drinking under control.
9. Don’t bother about the out come of your hard work.  Work hard and
wait for the result. Tension can lead to negative attitude. “What if I
fail to achieve the target?” is a common question that pops up in the
mind. Just ignore this question and divert your mind to plan the whole
work and activity.
10. When you are striving for a goal always keep 2 plans. Plan B will
be useful when the plan A fails.  Always there will be an alternative
way to attain a particular aim and no option is the last one and no
word is the last word.  Tension gives success to those who face it and
it drags back those who try to escape from it. Keep in mind that
tension is good if we can divert it effectively.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Lack of oral health can be symptom of lot of disease

Foul smell from our mouth is very disturbing and irritating thing for
us and for others also. Even though we brush daily and sometimes twice
or thrice the smell persists and it will influence our confidence in
interpersonal relationship. Infections in our mouth should be give
utmost priority since it is symptom of other major diseases.  Dentists
have to give importance to this issue since the detection and
observation of the dentists is very important in detecting the major
disease associated with mouth infection. There is a direct
relationship between heart disease and oral health. Studies have
failed to clear the link but is commonly noticed by doctors all over
the world that heart disease is connected with mouth infection.
Inflammation of gum and teeth and accumulation of bacteria in mouth,
moving and loose tooth all can be a symptom to heart disease.
  Diabetes of the second type also has lot of symptoms related to oral
health. Bleeding gums, disturbing deterioration of the health of the
gums and dry mouth are some symptoms of diabetes. Usually the diabetes
patients are advised to avoid drinks and snacks that contain high
levels of sugar. These kinds of soft drinks which contain white sugar
commonly called white poison can have a negative impact on oral
health. Obesity is associated with type-II diabetes, so it is very
clear that how oral health is related to diabetes.
 Osteoporosis is a disease which affects the health and strength of
the bones and teeth.  It is possible to detect the chances of
osteoporosis at an early period of the disease by examining the health
of the oral cavity. If the jaw bones and gums are deteriorating
especially the jaw bones showing a low density it can be a symptom of
osteoporosis. It can also be evaluated by checking a tooth when
encounter a sudden tooth loss. Calcium deposit in this tooth will be
low and roots of the tooth will be poor showing a signal of possible
Bulimia is a psychological condition where a person is obsessive about
the idea of losing weight and to acquire a perfect figure and at the
same time consume a lot of food with a sudden intention and later try
to burn it out through exercise or self induced vomiting. To check
whether a person have bulimia a dentists just have to check the
presence of a particular acid in the mouth and on the enamel which
induces frequent vomiting.

Bleeding gums and inflammation of lips are the symptoms of vitamin
deficiency . Beriberi and Scurvy etc shows the lack of nutrition in
our body. One important thing that have to be noticed is when a
particular Vitamin deficiency is faced by our body , it not only
affect a particular part of the body but the whole process of the body
is influenced by this directly or indirectly.

Poor oral health can be a symptom of cancer affecting  gums and
tongue. It is important that utmost care must be given to check and
verify the disease affecting oral cavity.

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